Sunday, December 19, 2010

The Asian Grading System

The Asian Grading System is pretty similar to the American Grading System.  Anything less than 65 is failing, around an 85 is satisfactory, and anything above a 95 is excellent.

This is how you convert from the American Grading System to the Asian Grading System: Take your American score (out of 100) and subtract 90, then multiply by 10.  It's pretty easy, actually.

Here are some examples:

Example 1:
Mom:  Let me see your report card.
Kid:  Here it is -- I did pretty well this quarter.
Mom:  Hmm... let's see what you got.  WHAT?!  96.2?!
Kid:  What's wrong?  I thought it's pretty good!  I beat all my friends.
Mom:  You got a 62.  That's failing!
Kid:  What are you talking about?
Mom:  Don't you know what the Asian Grading System is?
Kid:  Umm... no.  Should I?
Mom:  Yes!  Of course you should.
Kid:  (to himself) Uh-oh.  This could be bad.
Mom:  I must go get your Dad.  This is a serious concern!
Kid:  What's going on?
Dad:  Because you failed the quarter, we decided that you will have no more video games for a month!
Kid:  NOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!
Dad:  You'd better get your grades up next quarter!
Mom:  Why can't you just be like Roger?  He's so much smarter than you!

Example 2:
Mom:  Let me see your report card.
Kid:  Here it is -- I did really well this quarter.
Mom:  Hmm... let's see what you got.  Do you really think you did really well?
Kid:  Yeah.  Why wouldn't I?  I got a freakin' 98.9 average!
Mom:  What's so good about that?
Kid:  It's insanely high!  I beat all my friends by at least a point and a half!
Mom:  So what?  Did you check the Asian Grading System.
Kid:  (to himself) Oh no... not that!  (to Mom) No, I didn't.
Mom:  Well, you know what it is.  What did you get on the Asian Grading System?
Kid:  OK, I got an 89.
Mom:  You know that's only satisfactory, so don't get too full of yourself.
Kid:  Fine:
Mom:  You should really try harder next quarter.
Kid:  (to himself) I think it's good enough.  (to Mom) Yes, I will.
Mom:  You should look up to someone like Roger.  He's way smarter than you.
Kid:  Yeah, I know.
Mom:  So don't think you're actually smart until you're smarter than Roger.

Example 3:
Mom:  Let me see your report card.
Kid:  Here it is -- I really aced this quarter!
Mom:  You kids always say that.  Let the numbers speak for themselves.
Kid:  OK, why don't you read the report card, then?
Mom:  Let's see.  You got a 99.  That's pretty good!
Kid:  No, I didn't.  I got a 99.9.  That's basically 100.
Mom:  You forgot to convert it to the Asian Grading System.
Kid:  Oh.  Either way, it's really good.
Mom:  Yes, I agree.  But there's still room for improvement.
Kid:  Room for improvement?  I pretty much maxed out!
Mom:  You didn't get 100.
Kid:  It rounds to 100.
Mom:  Not on the Asian Grading System.
Kid:  I have pretty much the best grades in the region!
Mom: You'd better work harder next quarter.  I need to see some improvement!
Kid:  (to himself) Wow, this sucks!  (to Mom) Yeah, I'll do better next time.
Mom:  If you don't, I'll have to punish you.  Roger would definitely do better than you!

In case you were actually concerned about this, I wasn't serious about this.  These are all just made up scenarios (I hope), and I'm pretty sure any Asian parent would be fully satisfied with a 99.9 average.  Even though I'd agree that most Asian parents place a lot more importance on grades than others in general, they still are not this intense about their kids' grades.  By the way, did you enjoy the Christmas colors in the dialog?

If you want to try out your newfound C# skills (or if you haven't, see Learn to Program!), create a program that will convert from the American Grading System to the Asian Grading System and vice versa.  You can use an InputBox (see C# InputBox) to get the value you need to convert.

In case you were too lazy to figure out for yourself, use the following line to convert from a string that you get from the InputBox to a double that you can use mathematical operations on:
double someDouble = Convert.ToDouble("some_string");

To convert back to a string, you can use either of the following lines:
string num = someDouble.ToString();
string num = someDouble + "";

This program shouldn't take too much time, so you should give it a try if you're new to C#.

If you're getting confused as to what a string or double is, here's a quick run-though of the most used C# primitive datatypes:

  • int : an integer
  • bool : either true or false
  • double : decimal number
  • string : text

Of course there are more, and you can just Google "C# datatypes" or something.

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