Thursday, December 11, 2014

League of Legends Contribution Metric

I've played this game called League of Legends for a while now, and one thing that I've always been interested in is a measure of your contribution.  Of course there are a wide variety of factors that are nearly impossible to account for in a numerical model (other than your MMR after a large number of games).  However, I feel like we can obtain a fairly accurate model of your performance, given just your KDA score and the team's total KDA score.

Note that this is NOT a simple calculation of your KDA = (K + A) / D.  Additionally, this metric is NOT a perfectly accurate measure of your performance, but rather what I believe to be a fairly accurate estimate of your performance.

It's a very simple method, and the simplicity makes it relatively champion-agnostic and role-agnostic, which is to say, the metric is pretty consistent regardless of the champion/role you play.

You can use my web app to compute your own:

Here are instructions on how to use it:

Here is a more detailed post about what it does:

Here are some results from my initial trial run:

Give it a shot and let me know what you think!

1 comment:

  1. Utilizing singular execution measurements to decide your MMR is a horrendous thought. I couldn't care less how great the framework is, it can't in any way, shape or form represent everything.

    Envision a situation where you're playing Tracer and 3 foe saints spend the whole amusement simply pursuing you around far from the point. On your details it will seem as though you did literally nothing however anybody in that amusement would understand that you were most likely the reason your group won.

    The main thing that ought to influence your MMR is winning or losing. Everybody on the triumphant group ought to pick up the same sum and everybody on the losing group ought to lose the same sum.

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